(VIDEO) Podul de peste Nipru din Herson a fost lovit de sistemele HIMARS
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Potrivit unor rapoarte încă neconfirmate oficial, podul de peste Nipru – Antonovsky din Herson a fost lovit cu rachete lansate de sistemele HIMARS.
Primele imagini cu podul avariat:
Footage of the damage on the Antonovskiy bridge after last night's strikes. Regional officials have closed traffic on the bridge.https://t.co/vbFgg2LsKK pic.twitter.com/GHLFYc6Qoc
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) July 27, 2022
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Acest pod cu peste 1300m lungime, face legătura între malul estic al Râului Nipru și orașul Herson de pe malul vestic.
Prin distrugerea podului 15.000 de soldați ruși ar rămâne izolați în zona Herson.
🚨#BREAKING: Antonovskiy Bridge in #Kherson, #Ukraine was hit and destroyed. pic.twitter.com/U7oAEczAbP
— Breaking News 24/7 (@Worldsource24) July 26, 2022
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Au apărut deja mai multe clipuri cu loviturile asupra podului.
Footage reportedly showing Ukrainian strikes targeting the Antonovskiy Bridge in Kherson Oblast of Ukraine tonight and Russian air defenses firing into the air shortly after the first round of explosions. pic.twitter.com/g0oxZ4hsjt
— Status-6 (@Archer83Able) July 26, 2022